Wednesday, September 14, 2011

You Pay Peanuts, You Get Monkeys

A business truism like “you get what you pay for” is never more true than in the auto repossession business.  Take “contingent” repo assignments.

Virtually every repossession industry leader has spoken out against the practice. Court-appointed professionals have testified that this process is inherently dangerous. In addition, it marries your organization with an unprofessional supply chain of people who “can’t do the math”.

Falcon International’s recovery statistics bear this out. We neither accept contingent assignments nor ask our agents to work contingent. And our certifiable recovery statistics are 10% higher than the average “direct” agent, and over 20% higher than “forwarders” who assign on a contingent basis. 
Falcon's Recovery Stats are 10% Higher than Industry Average

Can any client read afford to lose 10%-20% of their auto-recovery portfolio? Using a practice that's proven to be dangerous to the consumer?

We don’t work contingent.  Most good agencies don't.  And we will recover tens (or hundreds) of thousands more of a client's collateral than accounts assigned through a contingent forwarder.

And that’s not peanuts.

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